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Fashion and Luxury

On the road to success

To delineate the AS-IS situation as the starting point for the company's growth process.

Strategic Advisory
Business Assessment
Fashion and Luxury


Support for growth, including the definition of organizational structure, roles, and responsibilities.
Streamlining through the implementation of targeted processes.
Managerial development through a growth plan for internal figures and the identification of resources in the market.


  • Definition of medium-term business objectives of the entrepreneur and the company;
  • Assessment: Analysis of the AS-IS situation (Organizational, Economic-Asset, IT, Administrative, Commercial);
  • Support from an external partner specifically dedicated to the Production and Logistics area for assessment;
  • Identification of critical issues by area and proposal of a possible "Best-To-Do";
  • Definition of a timeline for the Action Plan in three different temporal horizons (short ("Quick Wins"), medium, and long term);
  • Structuring of intervention priorities for the initial steps of the Action Plan, subdividing into individual activities and expected outputs;
  • Creation of a Steering Committee to validate actions and decisions;
  • Identification of talents to grow within the company and support in finding external figures to fill discovered gaps.